Magic of Reading

It seems like these days less and less people are reading. It’s become the cool thing to hate reading, and play video games instead. I find this a very sad fact. You can tell how the world is changing when people give you odd looks when you say you enjoy reading in your free time. Reading, as it seems, has become less and less of something you do for fun and more of people simply reading because your teachers make you. It makes me wonder where we have gone wrong. Where has the magic of reading gone? Reading is an escape, a freedom from everyday life. When you open a book and dive into the pages you are more than just simply reading words on a page. With every word you’re being taken deeper and deeper into a new magical world. Books can teach you lessons and help you learn lessons. They give you memories and new thoughts and maybe even role models. Most everything in our entertainment society comes from books. Most movies and stories that we all love, come from books. They have such an impact on lives, and it makes me so sad to see that it is becoming a dwindling thing. If people just opened their minds, picked up a book and read, I can almost guarantee that they would enjoy and get so much out of it. Someday, the magic will spread again. Because once you open that cover, you never know where the pages will take you.

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Looking For AlaskaOne of my favourite authors, whom I have only recently discovered, is the wonderful John Green. I recently read an amazing book by him called “Looking For Alaska”, and I absolutely loved it. The characters were loveable and admirable, and the plot really keeps you guessing. Although it also really teaches some good lessons about many deep and hard to grasp topics, such as death and guilt. Basically it’s about Miles “Pudge”, a junior in high school who decides to go to his fathers alma mater boarding school “in search of a great perhaps.”. It basically follows him and his new friends, Alaska Young, Chip Martian and others, through out their school year and about the adventures they have. It’s not exactly a book all about fun and games though, it has some very deep and compelling subjects that really drew me and made me rethink some things. It includes very interesting views on death and our purpose here. John Green really has a way of making you think about certain things. If you liked other books by him such as “Paper Towns” and “The Fault In Our Stars”, I would really recommend that you read this. IF you haven’t even heard of John Green before, you should still read it, because it’s an amazing book and one of my personal all time favourites c: If you have already read this amazing book, feel free to comment about your thoughts on it c: